About Me.

Creating unique and memorable content with photography and videography to showcase online. That’s what fuels the passion. Creating long lasting relationships with clients, that’s what continues to drive the motivation.

Life has its ups and downs, but choosing which direction to go never seemed straight forward. Growing up multiple interests sparked my attention, while being brought up by a single mum, I learnt that sometimes less is more and experiences would be much more appreciated than anything materialistic. Still to this day, being home for Christmas means more than any other time of year, purely for everyone being in one place. We might not have a huge family, but after you lose a member of it, you stop questioning “If that plane ticket home for 12 hours is worth it?” Book it and appreciate the 10 hours outside the airport lounge, as you never know when a visit might be the last or what can change in the time you’re gone.

At the age of 16 I had the choice to stay in school and continue doing something I dreaded each day or get out and explore the world with my passion for photography and learn from those around me. Looking back it was an obvious option, but at the time a hard decision to make, leaving everyone and everything I knew behind in pursuit of something bigger and better with zero guarantees. 

Fast forward a few years and I was living on a tropical island in one of the 7 Wonders of the World, Queensland’s own Great Barrier Reef. Working as a personal trainer in one of Australia’s best resorts, not only was it an unreal gig to land, but I met some of the most inspirational people that inspired me to continue living life out of a suitcase, making the most of every opportunity. There was encouragement to go and explore what the rest of the globe had to offer on a daily basis. While eventually managing a team within a world class hotel, Qualia resort showed me the life of luxury and how to achieve top quality within the travel industry.

Since then I have spent the past 10 years travelling around the world to almost 50 different countries, hitting some crazy locations, jumping from plane to train and everything in between, searching for the unknown chasing what was once a dream and still is for many people.

I remember sitting eating a roast lamb dinner one night (ironic to now be Vegetarian) and looking down at the placemat on Mum’s table (She cooks a ripper meal if you’re ever in Melbourne by the way) London. Tokyo. New York. Sydney. In a scrambled fashion, sideways, upside down - that place mat had a bunch of random cities. That was the moment I decided to do something crazy; book a one way flight to Europe 96 hours from then without any plans but to start seeing more than just their name on a place mat.

Having met so many people along the way that want to know where and how I find these unique places that pop up in photos on my Instagram page, I’ve decided to compile a website with guides and tips for all travel styles to make your next trip run smoothly and one to remember! 

Although 90% of my travels are sporadic, choosing locations last minute looking to walk into the unknown, the other 10% have been researched, right down to ingredients used in the café’s muffins, farms in which the coffee beans are sourced, or materials used to make the tables. I am continuously reading blogs, watching vlogs, scrolling Instagram, getting inspiration for the next trip.

You can usually find me next to the coffee machine in the local café reading the daily paper, under a waterfall in the tropics or setting up for a sunset picnic watching the waves roll in set after set, with a love for the ever-changing and hugely powerful ocean.

Travelling has taught me so much already, yet I still have so much to see; which is why I love to hear all your stories and insights no matter how great or small.

If you have made it this far, you’re either looking for some inspiration on your next trip or at work and your boss just looked over to your screen so needed a legit site to cover your other open tabs. Either way you’re here now, so may aswell book a holiday. I’m really good at writing resignation letters if you need help…

Any questions, stories or comments, I would love to hear - so don’t be a stranger and shoot through an email or jump over to Instagram and slide into those DM’s if that’s more your style.